
We are honored to be a part of every celebration, sending condolences & encouragement, and new opportunities & breakthroughs.
With every Language Arrangement we get to create, we vow to have  the utmost stewardship. In the    balance between the power of story-telling and privacy, confidentiality is our priority. When we get to be entrusted with the background of the recipient and your heart as the giver, we want you to feel one hundred percent secure in the process. Because the more specifics we are given, the more detailed + custom we can be.
Our intention & promise is to never share the names or specifics of the giver or recipient as we know sometimes we are first ones to hear the announcement or the news that come. We are the avenue to help communicate - not the first one to share it. If at any time we can be more sensitive as the floral liaison, please feel free to let us know.